Analysis of SCOTUS Decisions in Race-Conscious Admissions Cases
Date: July 11, 2023 - live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Natasha Baker, Esq and Jesse Andrews, PHR Best for: Higher education professionals in admissions, academic affairs, administration, financial aid, and anyone that may be impacted by the decisions. Learning Outcomes: Review the recent supreme court cases and examine the scope and reach of the decisions Develop practical actions your institution should take to review its programs and policies impacted by the decisions What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive session, receive a copy of the presentation materials, and a certificate of attendance. How will the decisions by SCOTUS impact your institution, admissions practices, and other DEI focused programs? This session will focus on an analysis of the two recent Supreme Court cases (Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard and Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina) regarding race-conscious admissions and the impact for your institution. The decisions are anticipated at the end of June 2023 and are expected to limit the use of race-conscious admissions practices. Following the release of decisions, this session will explore the scope of the decisions and practical steps your institution should take in response. Sign up now, spaces […]