Driving Down the 493: A Deep Dive into a California Law and Its Overlap with Title IX – A Virtual Session Presented with Grand River Solutions

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Novus Law Firm is collaborating with Grand River Solutions on Friday, June 24, 2022 to deliver a live virtual session on CA SB 493. Natasha Baker will join Joseph Storch and Karen Nutter (Grand River Solutions). In 2021, California enacted SB 493, an expansion of California’s approach to addressing sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment at public and private postsecondary institutions in California. The legislation is, in part, a reaction to the requirements of the 2020 Title IX Final Rule and some parts of SB 493 impact cases also covered by the final rule; while also expanding institutional obligations to a broader set of cases. This training will provide participants with an overview of SB 493 including its obligations and requirements and how it intersects with the 2020 Title IX Final Rule and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.

Preparing to Prepare for the New Title IX Regulations

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: May 17, 2023 Presenters: Heather G. Fuchs, Esq and Natasha Baker, Esq Best for: California Title IX Coordinators, Human Resources, and Student Affairs Professionals, and anyone else on campus who needs will be involved in the implementation of the new Title IX regulations Learning Outcomes: Understand what major components of the current Title IX requirements are expected to change based on the proposed regulations and how those changes will impact your institution’s compliance under California Education Code (Senate Bill 493). Identify practical and structural changes your institution can make, including how and where your current policy(ies) are disseminated, and learn best practices for implementing new policy(ies) once the new Title IX regulations are published. Evaluate how your institution will design its policy(ies) to ensure compliance with both the new Title IX regulations and California law under California Education Code (Senate Bill 493) and FEHA. Identify practical and actionable steps your institution can take now to make implementation of the final regulations more efficient and effective. What's Included: Attendees with participate in a live, interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance The new federal Title IX regulations are anticipated to be released in […]


*Rescheduled* Understanding Protected Leaves of Absence

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: May 17, 2023 - live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Jesse Andrews, PHR and Heather G. Fuchs, Esq. Best for: Anyone who is responsible for administering leaves and supporting employees. This could include managers, supervisors, Human Resources, and anyone else with a need to understand leave laws. Learning Outcomes: Gaining knowledge of protected leaves, such as FMLA, Military Leave, Jury Duty, and ADA. How and when to start the clock for leaves, and what it means to run concurrent or consecutive with other leaves. Understand what type of documentation is required or allowed by an employer. Gain familiarity with how federal leaves intersect with other processes. What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. Do you feel that navigating protected leaves of absence could be its own separate handbook? Guess what? So do we. Understanding and implementing protected leaves can be confusing and complex, but it is also incredibly important and impactful to employees. How many weeks are protected? Unpaid or paid? Concurrent or consecutive? Join us as we help you understand the various federally protected leaves and how they might intersect or overlap with other processes […]


Labor Code Bootcamp for Higher Education

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: May 31, 2023 - live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Natasha Baker, Esq. and Jesse Andrews, PHR, Best for: Higher education administrators, Senior leaders, HR professionals, and anyone looking to stay up to date with the latest California labor laws. Learning Outcomes:  Gain a comprehensive understanding of the California labor code and how it applies to you and your institution. Understand the latest updates and changes to California labor laws, including recent legislative and regulatory changes that impact employers in the state Explore case studies and real-world scenarios to gain insights on proper employee classification and other employment issues that may arise. Develop the ability to identify potential risks and liabilities related to employment practices in California, and learn how to proactively mitigate those risks through effective policies and practices What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. Novus Law Firm is excited to offer a comprehensive 3.5 hour training on the California Labor Code for Higher Education. This training will cover many aspects of the California Labor Code, including wage and hour laws, employee classification, payroll requirements, and employee leave and time off laws. You will […]


Best Practices in Workplace Investigations

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: June 7, 2023 – live, online (Zoom) Presenter(s): Jesse Andrews, PHR Best for: Managers, HR leaders, supervisors, compliance officers, and others involved in workplace investigations. Learning Outcomes: Understanding the importance of conducting workplace investigations and the impact of having clear policies and procedures. Become familiar with best practices for conducting workplace investigations, including effective interviewing, gathering evidence, and writing a report. Learn how to avoid common, and often costly, mistakes when conducting an investigation, including not maintaining confidentiality, procedural errors, and failing to follow legal requirements. What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. In this training, managers, HR leaders, compliance officers, and others involved in workplace investigations will go further in their learning and develop an in depth understanding of how to conduct a workplace investigation. Topics covered will include the importance of having clear policies and procedures, including a reporting process for complaints. Further, attendees will gain knowledge of how to structure an investigation, including the gathering of information, effective interviewing of involved parties and witnesses, tips for documenting the investigation and writing an investigation report. Attendees of this training will be presented […]


Achieving Diversity in Hiring

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: June 14, 2023 – live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Jesse Andrews, PHR and Natasha Baker, Esq Best for: HR Managers, hiring managers, diversity officers, and others involved in determining strategy for employee recruitment and retention. Learning Outcomes: Learn strategies and practices to include in the recruitment and hiring process to achieve diversity in the hiring process, including how to attract diverse candidates and promote diversity throughout the recruitment process. Become knowledgeable of the concept of unconscious bias, how to recognize it within the hiring process, and how to reduce the chances of it impacting your decisions. How to create a diversity hiring plan that is in line with your organization’s mission and diversity efforts, including creating diversity goals, creating job postings to attract diverse candidates, and developing diversity metrics to track progress. What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. This training will provide participants with essential knowledge and skills for developing and implementing a diverse hiring plan that is in line with the organization's mission. The training will focus on practical tips and strategies that participants can implement in their recruitment processes to attract and […]


Hiring and Managing Remote and Out of State Employees

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: June 15, 2023 Presenters: Jesse Andrews PHR and Natasha Baker, Esq Best for: Human resource managers, senior leaders and administration involved in hiring and employee/organization design. Learning Outcomes: Understand the complexities of the hiring and onboarding process of remote or out of state employees Review elements that should be considered when designing a position to be remote Gain actionable tips on managing performance of remote and out of state employees What's Included: Live presentation, copy of training materials, certificate of attendance Demand for remote or hybrid employment is only growing. With millennials comprising the majority of the workforce, the desire for positions that allow for remote or hybrid opportunities will continue to increase. But, hiring a remote employee, particularly one that works in a different state than the employer, is not as simple as it might seem. Join us as we unpack some of the complexities of hiring out of state employees and how to design your positions to allow for a successful incorporation of remote employees. Sign up now, spaces are limited Length: 1.5 hours Location: Zoom Cost: $350.00 per attendee No refunds or cancellations Groups of 5 or more from a single organization receive a 20% discount […]


Advanced Disability Accommodations Issues in Higher Education

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: June 20, 2023 – live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Jesse Andrews, PHR and Natasha Baker, Esq Best for: Managers and supervisors in higher education, human resources professionals, anyone involved in assessing or providing for reasonable accommodations in a higher education setting. Learning Outcomes: Develop an understanding of how to evaluate requests for accommodations, including the job description to determine essential functions and the scope of reasonable accommodations. How to navigate concurrent performance issues occurring alongside requests for accommodations Strategies on creating an effective process for implementing accommodations, including a supervisor’s role in the process. What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. This training will examine complex situations involving requests for reasonable accommodations and the interactive process. Further, this training will help define the role different individuals and departments should have in implementing your policies and procedures for accommodation requests. Sign up now, spaces are limited. Length: 1.5 hour(s) Location: Zoom Cost: $350.00 per attendee. No refunds or cancellations. Groups of 5 or more from a single organization receive a 20% discount off each registration. Please email trainings@novuslawfirm.com to register your group or if you have […]


*FULL* Disability Accommodation Issues in Hospitality

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: June 21, 2023 – live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Jesse Andrews, PHR and Natasha Baker, Esq Best for: Managers and supervisors and owners in hospitality, human resources professionals, anyone involved in assessing or providing for reasonable accommodations in a hospitality setting Learning Outcomes: Understand requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how they apply to your organization. Develop an understanding of how to evaluate requests for accommodations, including the job description to determine essential functions and the scope of reasonable accommodations. How to navigate concurrent performance issues occurring alongside requests for accommodations Strategies on creating an effective process for implementing accommodations, including a supervisor’s role in the process. What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. This training will examine complex situations involving the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests for reasonable accommodations and the interactive process. Further, this training will help define the role different individuals and departments should have in implementing your policies and procedures for accommodation requests. Sign up now, spaces are limited. Length: 1.5 hour(s) Location: Zoom Cost: $350.00 per attendee. No refunds or cancellations. Groups of 5 or more from […]


Understanding Protected Leaves of Absence

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Date: June 28, 2023 - live, online (Zoom) Presenters: Jesse Andrews, PHR and Heather G. Fuchs, Esq. Best for: Anyone who is responsible for administering leaves and supporting employees. This could include managers, supervisors, Human Resources, and anyone else with a need to understand leave laws. Learning Outcomes: Gaining knowledge of protected leaves, such as FMLA, Military Leave, Jury Duty, and ADA. How and when to start the clock for leaves, and what it means to run concurrent or consecutive with other leaves. Understand what type of documentation is required or allowed by an employer. Gain familiarity with how federal leaves intersect with other processes. What’s Included: Attendees will participate in the live interactive training, receive a copy of the training materials, and a certificate of attendance. Do you feel that navigating protected leaves of absence could be its own separate handbook? Guess what? So do we. Understanding and implementing protected leaves can be confusing and complex, but it is also incredibly important and impactful to employees. How many weeks are protected? Unpaid or paid? Concurrent or consecutive? Join us as we help you understand the various federally protected leaves and how they might intersect or overlap with other processes […]
